Wednesday, May 18, 2016

My heart that is fragile

Surely, there is a way to not be so tender and sensitive towards lots of things. What way is it, and can it even be reached? So exhausted  from trying to practice what I preach.  At the same time, who is purely perfect, at the same time, what makes a person happy and completely worth it.

Things that we don't love the most about someone, can this alone, be what makes us start to regret them?  In my life, I always assume that finding love that doesn't hurt your feelings when you are clearly wrong can and does exist. Well, so far I have been left to discover if this is reality than why do none of my relationship's show this to be true.

I feel perhaps, it's me and my fragile heart that cause these let downs to continue to occur. Tired of being consumed by my different anxieties because they cause my heart to stay fragile and my numbness from pain, way too extremely clear. I become like a statue, and show no kind of emotions, I hate this attribute that happens and is not me at all.

I think this is my defense mechanism, and what a lame one in deed. I wish all things could be better just by the use of sweet weed.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Rain cleansing my soul

The rain is mysterious and enchanting, finding a way to cleanse my soul as though it is a seed I am planting. Touching my skin with wetness and teaching my flesh to feel empowered, a feeling so intoxicating similar to the smell of my favorite flower. My mind set free to the simplicity of every drop that falls, it is as though the rain could know my yearnings and the feelings that it can cause.

Showing me with every bit of water that lingers to different places of my skin, that passion is real and can not just be felt from the outside but also deeply within. The rain is so sure of each place it is destined to fall, that it is marvelous how it goes from covering big places to also small. As the rain embraces my lips, it is almost equivalent to the first time Dante wrapped his hands around my hips.

Then as the rain cleanses my soul, I feel everything around become like my whole.

Friday, April 22, 2016

The connected spirit

My soul is deep and inspired by the motivations of poetry and the rhythm it tunes into my spirit. Clearly in my heart their is never a denial of true passion, never something unsure or something considered to be clashing. To connect to my spirit as well as other's, I cannot allow my fears to act overall as a blanket or a cover. 

I should send a message to my spirit, and insure my soul understands the importance of the message as it hears it. For example, when a person, meets another person for the first time, their personality's might connect, but what does it mean if it's possible for them to reflect?

I believe if two people meet and their personality's reflect, than this is a sure way to see what challenges their ideas may accept. That's why people should be able to be sociable not only physically but also on a spiritual realm,  for it is similar to  plants having a stem.

Or perhaps even a seed growing to become a beautiful tree, something small but very significant and important as it grows we see. So when we utilize the way of connecting spiritual to other people, we preserve those individuals like not only a movie but also the sequel.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Share a thought, to see a dream

Many of times I have slept, since my father has passed, I have had very spectacular dreams and through my mind they realistically have flashed. These dreams once I awoke from them, gave me the extreme feeling that he is still very much living.

My heart pounding with anticipation, for more information, dictating the things he desires me to know, and the wisdom he is bestowing me to always capture and own.

Or is there even anything he is hoping for me to learn, or are these dreams merely a way for him to show me our love is forever something I have earned.

Either way, seeing him like that, let's me know inside of my heart, he will always remain. Feelings of sadness and remorse of him no longer being here, dwell inside me like nothing I have ever felt more clear.

Yet, as he comes to me in my dreams, I feel the bad feelings bust completely away at their seams. Leaving me to be filled with only the pureness of his love, casting down from the clouds in the most angelic way from the heavens above.

So the thought of my life as his daughter, and him, my wonderful father, are never truly gone, for he lives inside my heart right where he belongs. To my loving father Dennis Guthrie, from his loving daughter Sheena Guthrie. I'll always love you daddy.

Hello world

Hey there my name is Sheena and I love to express myself through the wonderful art of poetry. This is my new blog which I will be using to share my poems as well as any random musings I may have with the world. I sincerely hope that many others find enjoyment in my works. Please feel free to leave feedback and words of encouragement. I am always open to other's opinions.